Have an idea?
Every great presentation begins with a great idea. You need to have an idea of what you like to bring out in your presentation.
Do you believe in storytelling?
Storytelling will not only attract your kids even your audience love to listen your stories. A survey tells that 92% customers want the business people to tell their brand stories (source: ethos3.com). But when you tell stories, ensure you convey them the most important points that you want them to remember. If the customer likes your narration, definitely you will win new businesses.
Images are most persuading than text
People grasp images far better than text. And, that’s why images are given importance in most presentations. Make text minimal and insert more informative as well as attractive images which are easily remembered by your audience. Think out of the box! Never only rely on the PowerPoint tool.
No irrelevant content
Your research will pave success in your presentation. Search every resource suitable for your presentation make it more relevant and educative for your audience. Use supporting images, statistics to prove your points. Never bore your audience with more text. Mix your point with researched source to give a unique and subtle presentation for your audience.
Highlight your text
When you want to pitch your trigger points, highlight your text by giving transparent background with contrast color text. But remember you add brief text with supporting images. Say no to only text.
Make a theme
Frame your own theme and bring all information in it. Every business has a own story to tell others. Use the story as your unique theme in your presentation and make it an absolutely presentable one. Get a designer and writer handy to create a beautiful, relevant and narrative presentation for your audience.
Don’t overdo your slides
Keep your information minimal. Do not expect your presentation to tell the whole business history. Few slides with light information which is easily digestible for your audience will bring appreciation.
Give space for audience discussion
Do not kill the time with your only explanation, allow your clients to raise questions at your presentation. Have a light discussion to make them clear about your point. With your client-driven presentation, engage and entice your audience.
Ensure your language triggers your targeted audience. Cut your complex information into simple data that is easily understandable. Make your presentation fun, interesting, informative and finally, relevant for your audience. Never say an apple, an orange, Make people believe in your idea and don’t try to impose them on incorrect information. Draw your customer attention with real and well-researched content that make them share, click or read your presentation. Leverage your storytelling skills, to narrate a wonderful business story that is truly engaging and persuasive for your customers.
Riva Collins
September 5, 2019 - 3:46 pmIt’s no secret that the digital industry is booming. From exciting startups to need ghor global and brands.
Obila Doe
September 5, 2019 - 3:47 pmIt’s no secret that the digital industry is booming. From exciting startups to need ghor global and brands.